About PawzUp

A place to spark the light between animals and people

PawzUp is a project that has captured our minds and hearts for quite a while now. It is ROLDA’s dream and our hope to create a better future for animals in need. We want to share this beautiful dream with you and, hopefully, with your help and the aid of selfless people like you, we can make it come true.

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We want PawzUp to be a strong foundation upon which we can rebuild the relationship between man and animals. PawzUp is a concept and a bold dream - a way to bring people and animals together and allowing them to help one another and enjoy each other’s company.

Since the ROLDA shelters are a few miles from the Ukrainian border, Pawzup will be the perfect link between animals and the people who work tirelessly to rescue them.


Our mission is to create a home for animals and people that need each other, a unique place where everyone is welcomed to relax, have a good time, and learn more about the numerous animals we share our world with. We also want to support the local communities and give them an opportunity to interact with well-behaved animals in a safe space.


A project of PawzUp’s caliber would be nothing without its core values, which we wish to promote and nurture for years to come.


A caring environment for people and animals alike.


We want to encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to be a part of our animal-loving community, where we are all equal in our care and dedication for these poor souls.


We want to promote the idea of being an informed and educated animal owner who knows how to care for a living creature and understand its needs. This information campaign will mainly focus on children, because they hold our futures in their hands, but we will be sure to educate any person genuinely interested in learning about animals.


We believe that PawzUp can become a small but significant Animal Kingdom where the wellbeing of animals and humans always takes the front seat.


Apart from donations and legacies, both commercial and fundraising opportunities will be offered to provide income to this project including naming opportunities for top sponsors. We also wish to promote the local companies and individuals who help us bring our dream to fruition.

Some numbers


A word from our President

“Ever since I’ve started rescuing suffering, abandoned animals 20 years ago, I’ve had the mindset that many Romanian people can’t afford this sort of activity. I’m talking about animal rescue, veterinary bills, supporting the construction of modern animal shelters, and so on. We thought that Romanian people had no money for charity, and thus we always appealed to our foreign supporters and later to our foreign branches to get the funds we desperately needed to survive.

We couldn’t have the audacity to call on our own people because we knew very well the hardships that come with living in Romania. When I started to seriously think about the PawzUp center and everything it requires (responsibility, time, logistics behind it) and I made a list of all the costs, I was afraid to add them up and see that total sum.

I knew it was slowly starting to slip into “dream” territory, a vision impossible to materialize into this world. I showed my mother that rough draft that contained both my estimations and my vision for the project and she compassionately declared, with tears in her eyes, that she would be the first one to make a donation. She told me that she will always support me, no matter what, and that I shouldn’t forget that I could “do anything I set my mind to.”

Moved by my mother’s conviction, I started to play with the numbers, trying to reduce the costs as much as possible and come up with a reasonable sum to present to all of you, my beloved supporters. All that’s left is to decide for yourselves whether I succeeded or not in my endeavor. What’s left to say now is that I am born and raised in Romania and I want to make this country a better place. Experience has taught me that animals have special powers to help us and heal our souls if we are willing to give them a chance. “

Dana Costin, ROLDA President

Discover the 4 phases of bringing the PawzUp center to life:

Phase I in red

Phase II in blue

Phase III in yellow

Phase IV in purple

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pawzup map